Cancellation and refund

Cancel an order by the customer
Online orders canceled 24 hours before the start of the delivery period will be eligible for a full refund. Online orders canceled within less than 24 hours of the start of the delivery period may not be eligible for a full refund, including if the order is delayed. This is because our products are fresh and processed on a per pre-order basis. In this case, please contact our customer service team as soon as possible. Orders canceled due to the recipient rejecting the order upon delivery may not be eligible for a full refund. Please note that refunds by cash / bank card may take up to 7 business days.
Cancel an order by the company
In certain circumstances, the Company may have to cancel your order in which case you will be eligible for a full refund. This includes but is not limited to a) the recipient's address outside of our delivery area; b) there was a problem confirming your order and we have not received a response from you for more than 3 days; and c) in the rare event that the product is out of stock and unable to find a suitable replacement for you.
Problems in the roses status
If we deliver damaged or unsatisfactory receipts, please contact our Customer Service team with photos of your order within 48 hours of delivery. If the roses are visibly damaged before or during delivery, we will provide a replacement as soon as possible. If you do not need a replacement, you may be eligible for compensation in the form of a credit in your corporate portfolio.
Wrong product delivered
If we deliver a wrong product, please contact our Customer Service team with photos of your order within 48 hours of delivery. We will provide a replacement as soon as possible. If you do not need a replacement, you may be eligible for compensation in the form of a credit in your corporate portfolio
Delayed delivery
We will always do our best to deliver your order within the required lead time, but please be aware that delays may occur. We may need to move the order to a later period of time if we are unable to communicate with the recipient. If your order is less than 6 hours late after your deadline, you may not be eligible for a full refund. If your order is more than 6 hours late after your time limit has expired, you will be eligible for a full refund in the form of a credit to your corporate wallet. This does not apply to orders that are delayed for reasons beyond our control, including but not limited to a) we have been given an incorrect address; b) the recipient's information is incorrect; c) the recipient did not respond to our communications in a timely manner; d) the recipient was not available to receive the order; e) Some establishments or regions that do not allow us to deliver
The recipient information is incorrect
If the recipient information provided to us is incorrect, the Company will not be responsible for any delay or delivery to the wrong person or address
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